Just a question to whomever can answer it (in the slight chance that somebody might've already gotten in their ASP parts from the ASP Sabershop);
I've been looking at the Shopsaberparts site and slowly deciding on which parts I needed to make my own ASP design and putting them in my cart as such.
Thing is, I really want a thin neck saber (I'm going for a mix between Redeemer/Prodigal Son and a Gladius), but with both the PS and Redeemer I notice something odd - at least I feel it is
On the Saberforge site and on Etsy, whenever you order the PS/Redeemer in a weathered version, the brass/copper elements get weathered too - on the ASP site it seems they skip over those parts.
I really want to make a weathered ASP design (to give it that ancient artifact/Old Republic lightsaber feel) combined with the thin neck, but as of now, it feels 'off' when the entire saber is entirely dark and weathered and there's this 'shiny' brass/copper in it.
Long story short (sorry for the detour); my question is if anybody has gotten in the ASP Prodigal Son or Redeemer in weathered and can confirm or deny that the copper/brass parts get weathering or not?
It would really help me a lot with ordering, seeing as I'd hate to make the decision now and get parts that don't mix as well as I'd hope.