CrimsonJax88 wrote:
Jade Fire is definitely on my want-to-buy list; I love the design as it seems to apply the rule of form follows function as most OT sabers seems to do.
Like the hilt is gorgeous because it looks functional and pragmatic; Mara Jade had to create a lightsaber that was going to be effective and useful and therefore made this utilitarian design.
Like of all the Expanded Universe sabers, I always felt that this one stayed closest to that original feel of the OT; of a Jedi/Sith just finding whatever parts they could find and throw them together and build/create a saber that would serve them well, but had lots of bolts and screws and such sticking out because they had to improvise.
I'll give that the Kylo Ren goes for the aesthetic, but seems too 'Sith-y'; like it is an example of function over form, but mostly because Kylo just blundered in trying to get his lightsaber to work (it being unstable and all).
The Corran Horn one's have the same idea (it's just that so far I haven't really loved - I do like them though, just not love - the interpretations most companies like SF, Solo's Hold, etc. have given it) and that the Princess looks gorgeous in weathered form, but if I were to mistake a lightsaber from the actual movies, it would be this one.
Good point CrimsonJax88, this saber definitely has an OT feel to it. It’s funny you mentioned the Princess cause I almost got that one instead for my daughter—I thought for sure she would’ve wanted that one, but she wanted the Jade Fire, it’s her favorite followed by my Avenger. The Jade Fire really is a nice saber—it is one that has surely grown on me over time