Firstly, I'm aware that this is not lightsaber related, but my previous costumes were well received so I wanted to post this here. IT's a collection of photos from my "Work in Progress" of my Bossk costume.
Well, after a couple of outings as Dark Sided Aliens (A Nautolan and a Kel Dor) I decided that I wanted to make a start on another alien.
And just to avoid the "Who are you supposed to be?" type questions, I'm going to build a Canon character, Bossk.
(I realise that this will not stop the same question, but at least I'll now have a definitive answer!)
As always, I start at the top - because if I can't make the head then I'll give up at the first hurdle.....
Step 1. Start with my head cast. This time it's wrapped in cling film...
Step 2. Add foam pieces to create the most obvious shapes:
Continue until the structure is done.
Step 3. Cover the whole lot in paper mache, to 'skin' it.
Step 4. Cover with around 10 layers of paper mache. Let it dry then you can split the paper mache and remove it from the solid head. Glue the two halves back together. You now have a hollow, yet sturdy enough, lizardy shaped shell. (no picture, but pretty much as above)
Step5. Start covering the shell in plasticine. (Kids colours all mixed together to make this streaky grey, lol)
Step 6. Keep playing with the plasticine until you get a shape you're happy with. Then add details.
Step 7. At some point you need to stop playing with plasticine - depends on how bored you get I suppose. When you decide you've had enough of plasticine the next step is to prepare for moulding the model. Basically you know that you're about to destroy what you have just spent ages creating, so I got a bit scared. lol. So you cover the whole thing in plaster of paris (well, crystacal R to be precise). I did the back half first, then smeared vaseline all over the new face of the plaster wall, then covered the front half. This is why it was important that I made a hollow shell of the head - I could remove the paper mache and plasticine by allowing the head to collapse on itself.
I ended up with this rough mould:
Step8. These two halves were put back together. I then started painting the inside of the mould with liquid latex. Layer by Layer. A couple of layers every night for 10 days. Once the latex inside had dried I dusted with talc (to prevent the latex sticking to itself) and took the two mould halves apart.
I now had a latex copy of my original scuplt. Albeit very rough and with a nasty seam down one side where the two mould halves do not fit together aswell as I'd hoped.
Step9. Trimming, fixing and painting. Basically spending a lot of time trying to fix some of the seam line issues. I think I've got rid of most of the problem but it's still there (especially on the neck). I may make another go at making the mask after I've bought more latex for the hands and feet and depending on how much is left.
I bought some white overalls which will need a lot of adapting before dying.
Then there was the hands, feet, flight vest and lots of other stuff to be working on.
Okay, don't laugh... I've started collecting lots of other pieces for the costume.
All of this may appear 'hopeful' at this point:
Overalls - which will eventually become a yellow flightsuit.
100 A4 sheets of A4 foam. (combined with the wellies and latex will eventually become bossks feet).
Black Pleather (will be used to create the black vest)
8inch flexible ducting seal. (for the shoulder seals of the black vest)
X-wing style vest. (bought a cheap one from ebay, modified the size and straps, added clear tubing inside the ribs - there is still buckles and straps to sort).
Some grey webbing to become the leg harness (similar to x-wing pilots)
Boiler Suit Bossk!
I've did a couple of dye tests and started testing scale ideas for the feet.
Work done on the blaster over two days, use of the jigsaw, handheld sander and various hand tools has worked pretty well.
Aiming for this:
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Ideally I'll change the circled part for a suitable metal piece when I find something that works but for the meantime I'll leave the wooden part there.
Step by step of putting it on: