Hello Everybody,
I'm not sure this is the right place to post this but my message is Cosplay related sort of. I finally got to attend a Comic Con where I met some outstanding people. Sadly I didn't have my robes on as I had to travel incognito - there were a LOT of Imperial Blockades and Troops around the venue, plus it was the hottest day of the year in the Outer Rim of the UK. So after a long journey to get there this was the scene awaiting me....
Did someone tip the Empire off that I was attending? And is that who I think it is lurking?....No must be my imagination, move along!...
Well I got in safely and met all the characters you could think of, then I met the special guests. Alan Harris who played Bossk in ESB and ROTJ was there and I got to chat very briefly but I did present him pictures of the saber I designed in his and Bsssk;s honour. I even received an impromptu performance of a Bossk snarl and hiss (remember when he stares out the Imperial minion on the star destroyer as Vader gives out instructions?) I am pleased to say that Mr Harris appreciated the design and could see how I came up with the ideas. Awesome.
The second person was a star of Dr Who, I know wrong franchise but let me explain. Her name is Sophie Aldred who played Ace alongside Sylvester McCoy! And as a surprise for Miss Aldred, I had a design for her too. Sophie was slightly confused at first but then I explained I had created a lightsaber that looked like Ace's trademark baseball bat! I am proud to say that Sophie liked my efforts also. I got to exchange details about our current projects and have the signed photo. Sophie really is ACE.
Finally I met a third person who I never in a month of Sundays thought I would bump into, and that was fellow member
TAKAMATSU in his Bossk costume. As I said in the Hilt Design thread I was gobsmacked. The outfit was stunning, even more so in person, but the funny thing was I was talking with him and his colleague for a few minutes when he just blurted out "My name's Takamatsu" I was like "WHAT?!" I then regained my senses and said "I'm For Tyeth from the forum I can't believe this, seriously?" or something like that. We chatted and I got him to pose for a few shots...
I missed out on an Alan Harris picture as he was busy but it was still a fantastic first event! Sorry there aren't more pics but my camera phone is not the greatest but I still thought I'd share these.
Thanks for reading,
For Tyeth (Approved by All)