First, let me say that the title of this review is not a type-o. I thought about it, and "Dark Fall" just sounded like a good name for this saber. Second, I cannot believe that I am posting the very first actual review of a Fallen saber! I have seen pictures all over the place of them, but nobody has taken the time to write a review of one after all this time. Well, let me break this thread in right!
So, I decided that at some point, the Darth Revan set of sabers was going to have to be a part of my collection. After having fought him a number of times in Star Wars: The Old Republic, and getting to know a little more about the lore of this character, I was intrigued. Still have to read the book about him, but that is another in a long list of books in the SW universe I need to get caught up on. Anyway, the Reborn was always compelling because of its unique features, but the Fallen was not something I was immediately in love with, despite my desire for the complete set. However, as has been the case with a few sabers over the past few months (like the Avenger), as I looked at it more, and began to consider its dueling potential, I began to appreciate it more, and more.
Let me start by saying that this saber just feels good in your hands! There are no greeblies, or surface features that prevent a totally comfortable two handed grip, the only possible exception being the covertech wheel, but that is easily removable if it gets in the way. You won't find yourself having to rotate this saber excessively to find a comfy spot. The lines of the hilt are simple, clean, and elegant, culminating in an attractive dual flare emitter, made more so by the brass finish separating the flares, with a deep socket. It easily takes the longer length blade plug, so even a 37" blade is cut down to size a bit.
Speaking of which, as this saber is heavier than it looks, so you can get away with a 37" blade, making the balance point about 2" forward of the tip of the emitter. However, I still prefer the 32" blade just for the added agility it provides when dueling. It fits pretty easily into my hands which are probably best described as being on the high side of medium, bordering on large. Now, on to the stuff you have probably been waiting to hear about.
Those that saw the preview pictures know that this saber was done in all black. I believe this is the first all black Fallen I have seen, but hopefully others will begin requesting this feature, because it is quite attractive. The finish the familiar matte finish we have become familiar with, so there is just the slightest of reflection of light on the surface. The brass accents go SO well against the black, which is what I was counting on, but it looks so much better in person that it did in my imagination. Though I did not ask (so I don't know if this is standard or not), they included an old style brass kill key, and a brass covertech wheel. These color highlights really set this saber off! The pommel is a small cog, and adds a nice styling touch that goes well with the overall lines of this saber.
Now for that Deep Red LED. What can I say about this? Without getting into too much detail (which I am not at liberty to fully share), during one of my weekly conversations with Phil, the subject of this saber came up, and I was offered the choice of sticking with the regular Red LED I ordered, or replacing it with a Deep Red LED, and helping to show off that color for the launch. Of course, I jumped at the opportunity to get one of these sooner than most. At the date of this writing, the official launch has not yet taken place, but I was given permission by Phil to post pictures of the color anyway. As I mentioned elsewhere, he wanted to see the pictures I planned to post, and when he saw them, commented that they looked "Pink". Well, I could not argue with that, but with the equipment I had, this was the best I could do. He suggested a comparison shot against a standard SF Red LED, which would help highlight the difference in frequency, even if it did not accurately reflect the color. So, that is exactly what I did, and what you will see here in this review.
I will say this, regarding the difference between what the photos portray, and what my eye saw, knowing that people can be somewhat subjective in their interpretation of colors. This shade of red is much closer to the red I saw in Darth Vader's saber blade. There is no hint of orange in it. For a darker color, it was still quite bright, though compared to my Frost White, it paled in comparison. While I don't pretend to have the engineering grasp of light frequencies that folks like Kouri, and Toymaker in this forum apparently command, I think that when they see it, they will be much more satisfied than had been the case with the previous red. I will let them give you the technical reasons why when they get their hands on one (which I feel pretty confident they will), but for me...I know what I like, and this shade of red is very beautiful, and satisfying as something a Sith would carry.
So, behold...Dark Fall
Here is a photo of a standard Red LED (my Son with his Epoch)
This is one of Dark Fall using the same camera.
This is a picture of the standard red taken with a small "Point and Shoot".
While the photos do not show the same shade of Red that I saw, there is an obvious difference. I will assure you now that it does not appear pink, or pinkish in any way.
Craftsmanship 10/10 - Not a blemish to be seen, nor a rattle to be heard.
Styling 9.8/10 - I only take a little off here because of the simplicity of the design, but what is here is done very well indeed!
Comfort 10/10 - But for the covertech wheel, there are no obstructions to a comfortable grip, and that is easily removable.
Overall 9.9/10 - Another winner from SaberForge!