DK44 wrote:
Beautiful saber man! This is one that I really want, the problem is it's one of many that I want, lol.....decisions, decisions.
Thanks, man. Oh, woes of having so many to choose from and so little money. Haha. Good luck with your next choice.
OvrcAHst wrote:
Nice addition (and a quick one too), good to see you made your choice with your replacement (or secondary) Hilt. Nice overview of observations discussed
Thank you. I put all the information I collected from our earlier conversations to good use.
and what do you mean you don't like Green? I mean, Blue Walls, Blue Tee.. wouldn't have thought that Blue would be your favoured colour.
No! Ya think? Haha.

To paraphrase the Joker, "
I give the smart-aleck remarks around here! Got it?!" Hahaha. Kidding. But, seriously, I'm a major smart-ass armed with a dry sense of humor. It's just how I'm wired.
Nothing to add with the sideplug on Suicide Squad except to acknowledge Margot Robbie, that is all.
Yeah, you gotta give her props. She's more than just eye-candy, she can actually act. Which is rare nowadays. But, one other movie I forgot to mention was the third Wolverine solo film and Hugh Jackman's last run as the the adamantium-clawed mutant. I'm gonna miss seeing him on screen in the X-Men films, but, he's getting up there in years. Who knows, he may come back for cameos in the future, but, for now, it's so long, bub.
Great thinking with the proposed milled windows/open mouth for shine through on the Rebel Emitter, genius! Congratulations with your choice. Now all that's left is to witness another of your demonstration Videos, going nuts with your new Hilt. Thank you for the share.
Thanks. I have a few ideas for a custom saber (not ASP), but, it does involve an amalgamation of different saber parts already in existence and a few custom ones I came up with on my own. And yes, I will be doing another video in the dark showcasing the 12w+ Arctic Blue.
HotRod wrote:
That was one heck of a great review! Thank you for being so candid with showing what you liked and what you didn't. This hilt is one that has been trying to work its way onto my "Must Have" list. Just awesome!
Glad you think so.
I agree with you on the Cyan vs Arctic Blue. Too much green in the Cyan for my taste. I've got all 5 Blue LEDs but the problem is I don't have 5 sabers with quick connects to show them all simultaneously. I posted a pic showing 4 of the 5 colors (no light blue) but the pic just does not show the colors very well. I hope you can do better and if I manage to get another hilt built, I'll post another pic.
Last thing...and now I'm entering into territory I know nothing about. Did I not see somewhere where the new crystal reveal system allows you to adjust the timing so you can get everything lined up? I am wondering if this saber has that. Also, is the retention screw absolutely necessary to hold the crystal reveal feature closed? I keep seeing where it is set to bite into the rod of the chamber to keep itself shut. That seems like a strange design to me, but maybe I just don't understand it since I don't own one.
Thanks again, beautiful saber, and beautifully done review!
I saw your image that you posted. And you're right, pictures don't really do it justice.
I believe so. In my video, I showed a retention screw at the bottom of the crystal chamber and how of you loosen it, you can turn the crystal chamber any direction you wish. I monkeyed around with it because I didn't like how the emitter looked when screwed all the way shut, meaning it wasn't perfectly in-line with the center of the switch section. Even with the emitter screwed down all the way, I believe the retention screw is essential to holding it in place as the emitter isn't glued shut, so, it would need some extra assistance. The thing is, if you want your emitter to be perfectly in-line with your switch section, the emitter won't be tightened down all the way on the body and the retention screw will be the only thing holding the emitter in place on the crystal chamber bar (but, if you tighten the retention screw down enough, it will not move on you). The tricky part was rotating the crystal chamber. just enough so that the flat portion of one of the aluminum cage bars surrounding the crystal was dead-center with the center of the switch section, so that way, the screw didn't bite into the teeth of the bars, so, unfortunately for me, I had to find out via trial and, error, but, I got my desired result, so, I'm fine with it.
Thanks again for the compliments.
Greysider wrote:
Beautiful. I love the Ares design and your video makes me want it all the more. Congrats on a great looking hilt!
Thanks, man. Hopefully you can grab one. If I start collecting soon, one of the first sabers I will grab is the Crystal Reveal Guardian before they're gone.