Thanks! I finally got the review together!
First Impressions of the Hilt Itself
When I first saw the hilt, I was blown away. The weathering was so nicely done and I loved every detail of it! The Sinister Prophecy is a big hilt but surprisingly light, and it felt good with a one or two-handed grip. The grooves in the hilt really help with the handling and I don't find it uncomfortable at all. Sure, the forked emitter is obviously a little pointy (understatement) at its tips but that does not matter too much with the blade in, though it can be unforgiving I'm sure if a mistake is made in handling it. Filing the points down wouldn't be a big deal at all, and honestly it is the only very sharp area on the hilt. For those wondering about the kill keys, mine did come with the new Saber Forge one, shown below:
The blade windows are amazing! When the saber is on, the light pours through them so vividly and it can be painfully bright when looking at them relatively close. Even far away it can be overwhelming. I love it though, it gives the saber a very potent character and basically gives it a "whoever wields this must not be overlooked in the slightest" feel. I looked over the hilt so closely about a million times by now, and I couldn't have asked for a better finish on it, or a better looking hilt. The covertech does not get in the way when I handle it, but my small hands have lots of room on the hilt anyway so I never thought it would be an issue.
The sound board is something else. When I fired it up at full charge, I was immediately impressed. All of the sounds are loud and crisp, and it is authentic. The viridian soundfont is pleasant to hear, I'd say much more so than the obsidian sound in my US reaper, and the options I have on the board's menu is a nice touch in case I have to make any adjustments. The LED and the sound are in great working order, no issues so far! I love the clash sounds most of all, but I enjoy the idle hum and honestly, everything else! It is everything I had hoped for in a lightsaber.
Arctic Blue LED
So the color... It is the most breathtaking shade of blue I've ever seen. I tried to find some color palette pictures on the web to give an idea of its true color as my only camera (iPhone) just cannot even begin to capture it. In fact, the top blade window in this picture is my best shot at trying to show the true color:
I could not find anything that could do it justice. I guess my forum sig at the bottom, the outline of the Republic logo and the light emanating from the saber on top are the best representations of the in-person color. Just simply imagine a cold, icy blue color. It's definitely blue, it doesn't look like the website picture of the color (obviously). It's not almost white; it is such a vibrant shade of blue with the lightest touch of green in the LED to bring out its "arctic" feel without making it greenish like cyan. I have to say, this will likely be my favorite saber color overall, but absolutely my most favorite blue. The contrast of that color with the darker weathered finish is exactly what I was looking for. The color pops even more and the hilt's variant shades between silver and black compliment that icy blue perfectly. The LED fade-out when the saber is powered off is an awesome little detail, subtle and graceful.
That 12W+ is soooo bright! Since I have 6W and 9W sabers already, I can compare and tell the difference. Even with the 37" blade, it lights evenly throughout and shows no sign of dullness toward the tip. I love how the most intense, bright light is shown where the blade windows are. As I said above, it adds in tons of personality. It'll look even more bright with a 32" blade!
Practical Use
So for practical use, this saber feels great! I actually ended up opting for the 37" blade due to the windowed emitter, and it is not too long for me at 5'3". I will still get a 32" blade for it since spins and more agile moves can be more difficult with the 37" (my blade would end up hitting the floor sometimes!)

. I did however get this as a true 2-handed saber, and the 37" compliments the length of the hilt (just short of 13") perfectly in that regard. Even with how far the blade sits in, the 37" does have a very slight wobble when swinging the saber quickly, even with a snug retention screw. I can tighten the retention screw enough to stop it without making it too tight though. I'm sure with a 32" blade that won't be a problem at all.
Overall, this is one heck of a saber. It will make for a great dueler! The Sinister Prophecy is a beautiful hilt and is very much a practical style for both solo practice and dueling, and would excel in 2-handed combat. You can't go wrong with the weathered finish (although I do want one in standard and all-black as well). Arctic blue was such a great choice and I'm glad I went with it as I almost did purple or cyan. I hope this generates some more Sinister Prophecy love out there for those who were either not convinced or were on the fence. Any questions are much appreciated since I know I cannot possibly cover every possible point about it.
Also, I'm going to post the rest of the pics separately.