In conjunction with this week's
story update, comes more costume update!
Last weekend, I cut out pattern out of the actual linen for the robe. It felt real, like "Woah, I'm makin' this happen!" Which is a little funny since it was literally the same process as last time, without the running out of material. Well...sort of.
Here's the pattern laid out on the material (yeah, still wax paper. it works).
You can see there at the bottom that there's a few inches to spare. Turns out that needed to be used XD. The tutorial I referenced earlier originally called for 10 yards of material, but we could only get them in rolls of 8 (I'm not sure if the creator of that tutorial somehow got a longer piece or what), so we got one of those, plus 1 additional yard for the hood. For my size (5'11") that would have been the perfect amount...if I used the full material. After cutting out the one half and folding the material again to cut the second half, we found that it would be 2-3 inches short off one hem. It's not the worse thing in the world, I can make that the back hem and it won't be an issue, but the age old adage "Measure twice, cut once" holds true, my friends.
Here's that first half, cut out.
The other half is basically identical, not much to see XD
And then the hood, substantially larger than the previous one, thanks to actually having the amount of fabric called for.
Fun stuff! This weekend I'll probably join the two halves, and maybe do the side seams. This final robe will have a couple of additional steps the mockup didn't use. So that should prove interesting.
Bonus pics!
Sewing the mockup a couple of weeks back
And that one time the scraps from the final material made me a Miralukan