Crystal Reveal Jade Fire 12Watt+ Deep Red
Mara Jade.
It’s a Crystal Saber.
A recent(ish) Purchase i.e. delivery receipt from several Months ago, this was Ordered as a V2 that fell a little short aesthetically so it was benched until a decision could be determined with how to customise it further through personal appeal that also became a secondary measure to correct the anomaly.
As V2 Finishes go (weathered), it remains accepted that the Hilt is anodised black before it undergoes a partial stripping process. The anomalies that were strikingly evident and detracted from the appearance was a mixture of stripped blue shades with stripped black shades that presented too stark a contrast. The fascination with a greeblie-heavy design around the emitter also proved to be a little challenging to accommodate the intended complete stripping of the weathering. Once the shortened sectional T-grips were successfully removed it provided an unobstructed surface to begin that results in the completed finish that is seen now, faint handled weathering with a rubbed polished finish.
A pleasantly petite Hilt that handles magnificently and in hand, holds like Apprentice Sabers. Grip high, grip mid or grip low, equally as comfortable and yes even with the greeblies around the emitter. Unlike my recent writeups (
SK, SP & Archon) where I was expecting something smaller but got something bigger, with Jade, I was expecting something bigger that turned out much smaller but better for it.
Through association by recognition, this Saber sees a Purple blade and whilst it’s an appreciated colour true to the character it is influenced from, I had a different imagining.
The Emperors Hand.
Similarities in design as a static Crystal chamber like
Monarch, Gladiator to name some, positioned low on the switch section maximises on visual effectiveness without removing from handling comfort. Two oval milled cut-outs provide dual peep-through of a large quartz crystal encased within two brass support rods.
Some Specs and Measurements:
Quad Cree 12Watt+ Deep Red| Champion Tier| Sabercore2.0 Crimson Font
Hilt Length: 260mm (10.2362 inches)
Blade Socket Depth: 55mm (2.1654 inches)
Emitter Length (to choke): 57mm (2.2441 inches)
Switch Length: 97mm (3.8189 inches)
Grip Length: 106mm (4.1732 inches)
Emitter Diameter (with greeblies): 49.27mm (1.9398 inches)
Emitter Diameter (w/out greeblies): 34.67mm (1.3649 inches)
Switch Diameter: 31.57mm (1.2429 inches)
Body Diameter: 37.60mm (1.4803 inches)
Weight: 453 grams
The four sides focused on the Emitter.
Painted some greeblies red to compliment the colour of the Deep Red blade I opted for. After successfully softening and loosening the glue that secured the larger thumbscrew and T-grips, edge softening and sanding was carried out to optimise handling comfort. The T-grips were treated to a dual toned finish and whilst removing it as one piece was easy enough, clipping it back on after cleaning the surface wasn’t the case. It was dissected into 3 parts and reglued.
A single blade retention sockethead thumbscrew on far right closest to emitter and the two remaining serve as aesthetic value only.
The pencil sharpener-looking faux switch box serves nice aesthetic value and remains comfortable after the edges were smoothed over. With handling preference though, it remains removed leaving the curved housing plate only.
Three buttonhead screws surround the upper switch part. One primarily secures the curved housing plate (with switch box) but also, in addition to the other two, act as the LED retention screws.
The black Red-lit Av switch (black by default as it was originally ordered as a V2) sits centred to the greeblies with the charge port/kill key positioned 90 degrees on the left.
This is pictured on a full battery charge.
The marvellous Crystal Chamber. The Deep Red blade remains uncompromised and what I agree with is from certain angles and lighting conditions, the Deep Red isn’t accurately mirrored in the Crystal when lit rather demonstrates being red and sometimes orange. Maybe it’s supposed to be like this, maybe it’s not, how it remains is liked and very acceptable.