Hi all,
This isn't a full review as I am in shock after receiving my Disciple this morning. I will edit this with hopefully better pictures when I can.
First off I have to say I was reduced to a shaking, gibbering mess when the toblerone arrived and I finaly unrolled my saber from the bubble wrap. It felt cold and warm at the same time and seemed heavier out of the box than when it was packaged!
The first thing I saw was the end of the blade plug surrounded by the mandibles of the emitter. Imagine this, you are a 7 or 8 year old kid and the Millenium Falcon looms out of it's box on Christmas Day morning and you see the two mandibles appear. The greatest present you have ever had?
This feeling doesn't even come close to the experience of unwrapping a Disciple!
The emitter continued to the perfectly milled rings and retention screws, the choke point and accent rings. Then I rotated the hilt to reveal the activation switch and the black anodized kill key! It didn't end there as below the kill key laid the beautifully wrapped Reptile Leather grip, cleverly positioned so the covertech knob helped secure it in place. The grip, tactile, soft yet not bulky or wrinkled. The covertech so well seated on the accent ring made it look all one piece. Then onto the shroud and pommel. Some people had misgivings when they saw the v2 pommel, myself included at first but it is brilliant as it enables you to use all of the shroud for your hand to sit comfortably in double hand grip (at least for me anyway.) Some pictures showed the pommel and it must have been slightly unscrewed as the v2 pommel imo isn't too long and it's accent ring lines up with the lip of the shroud. Inside the pommel the wonderfully machined speaker grill looked like a window from the Bespin Duel in ESB!
And to top all that off the saber is so slim yet still "fills" your hand, and something strange, when viewed close up in hand it looks "Just right" but when viewed from middle distance and further it looks longer and so more eyecatching.
With the blade the experience just becomes impossible to justify description as "Sabercore...Viridian!" can be heard then the gorgeous green lit AV switch is pressed then ...
You need to sense it for yourselves!
To say I'm slightly happy with my saber, is the biggest understatement of my life.
Thank you Saberforge and all the folks on this forum who advised me on my purchase.
All the accessories were present and correct.
Now a few pics! (Please note the Phoenix saber stand is the prize I received along with a Saberforge t-shirt for the recent ASP Design Competition)
The Bal'demnian Blade-
Please note my profile page on my laptop!
I hope this was ok for a preview, I will edit it later,
Many thanks,
For Tyeth