So, like I mentioned, I had a few teething problems with this saber - but full credit to SF for taking care of things quickly and well when I reached out to them, so it's time for the review!
Like many people have said, the Reborn is surprisingly comfortable - the spines help to fit the body into your hand for a very natural grip, though I agree it's not great for a two handed grip.
What surprised me was actually how relatively narrow the body is - from the various pictures and videos I'd seen, I expected the top of the saber to be a bit thicker and bulkier than it was - instead it's really quite graceful.
I'm also a very big fan of this:
Putting the covertech in the pommel (well, really the flared base of the body, since the pommel is basically a screwed in cap) really works for me. It keeps it out of the way so it isn't getting in the way of your grip, and gives you a lot more flexibility on how you hold the saber. I'd love to see SF go this direction with Covertech placement on future designs.
And of course I can't review this without talking about the unique emitter:
The claws look great, but they can be a pain for getting...well, anything done. Taking the plug out, swapping LEDS, putting blades in, it's all just a little more complicated, and since a lot of groups doing saber fencing like TPLA and Saber Legion are starting to ask people to remove claws before sparring, it makes the Reborn more of a cosplay and trooping hilt for me. I still think it's beautiful, and I like it, but it's worth thinking about.
Now, about that purple....
Since we have a purple and an Indigo in the house, it was interesting to compare them. The purple comes out a bit warmer, and I think the Indigo "pops" a little bit more, but I have noticed the purple does cool down a bit more under bright lighting.
If you want a really strong, royal purple, I'd suggest a purple day blade from TCSS or VV to really help the color stand out. If I were putting together a Revan costume, I think I'd consider it pretty strongly.
That's about it for the saber, but since there's been some interest in quick connects, I thought I'd show that off too:
Step 1, as usual, is to remove the blade plug and loosen the LED retention screw, then tilt or tap the hilt to slide the LED out so you can get to the quick connect:
Note: MAKE SURE you get the QC out of the hilt before you tug too much on the LED. Having to try to fish the wiring out of the hilt, especially on the Reborn? Not fun.
Disconnect your LED, and in this case I'm popping in an amber LED I picked up to use in a couple of my other hilts:
Slide the LED back into place, secure the retention screw again, and you're in business!